Superfoods To Beat The Blues

11. Fish: We’re talking salmon, trout, sardines, and mackerel – fish with high omega-3 fatty acids and kick-butt street-crossing methods.

Diets with low omega-3 fatty acids are found to be linked with mood disorders such as depression. Hold this thought for a moment and take a look at this cool picture:

No water no problem. Doesn’t depress the salmon. #onthemove. Source:

Anyways, if you don’t like fish, then try sacha inchi, walnuts, pumpkin seeds (pepitas), flaxseed, or chia. Seeds have similar contents of omega-3 fatty acids.

12. Turmeric: A spice that is often put in curry, turmeric (also known as curcumin) can treat serious states of depression.

Up to 8 grams of the anti-inflammatory spice turmeric may be consumed per day without side effects. You can also put it on your face if the thought strikes you, but you might be orange for awhile. On a good note, that could be worth it as the turmeric cleans up your pores.

Green tea actually being green (and not yellow, like mine). Source:

13. Green Tea: L-theanine, a naturally occurring amino acid in green tea, supports clarity and can decrease anxiety and depression.

… It doesn’t hurt that we have about 1,000 types of green tea. Yay!

Have any more superfoods for the blues you’d like to add to this list?

Thank you to these happy sources for their information: